Some In Depth Case Study Of My Learning Journey to become a FullStack

Google Clone

Learning HTML and CSS by cloning Google site

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Here we use the API from the PokedexApi site to create a Pokedex with HTML, Javascript and CSS

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Pinterest Clone

Here we made a clone of Pinterest to improve our CSS and HTML skills.

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Cajero Devf

Here we've improved our JS Skills by making an ATM game.

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Trivia App

Here I create this app with Html, CSS and Javascript. We get all the questions based on a free Api. Here we also use Webpack 4.

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Can you generate PDF from and HTML file?

Apply the learned skill to solve day to day problems. We are trying to generate pdf base on html using a library called HTML2PDF .

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Devf Ecommerce

I built an ecommerce with TailWind.Here we start to learn about React (Hooks, Router,...etc). Concepts of authentication and authorization.

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Second version of HTML2PDF Project

Here, I keep practicing my React skills. I implement a new version of my personal project. Create a report generator to avoid the boring paper work at the office.

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